Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nike S Publicity free essay sample

Nike (originally named Blue Ribbon Sports) was founded in 1964 by Phil Knight and his University of Oregon track Coach Bill Bowerman. It was born as a business project of Knights while he was in Stanford. The idea was to import shoes from Japan into the U. S. Up until this point the majority of shoes were imported from Germany. By importing the shoes from Japan the cost would drastically be improved because of labor savings. Nike, with the ingenious incorporation of famous sponsors, quickly grew to 168 stores in the United States and a presence in over 160 Countries. In the early 1990’s Nike came into the spotlight over allegations of human rights and labor violations in the third-world countries it was manufacturing in. Some of the allegations included child labor breaches which were already in the spotlight at the time from manufacturing of other product lines. Other stories were of beating, horrid work conditions, and abuse. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike S Publicity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nike initially chose to address the scandal with a â€Å"damage control† attitude. This led to public outcry and the protesting of its stores. Sports figures, which were the source of the majority of Nike’s publicity, began to separate themselves from the company. Retail stores also began to stop carrying the brand and separating themselves from the horrid stories. As a result of the bad publicity, and with shrinking sales, the company decided to take a new approach. The company started many new projects to bring about change in its factories and even took it a step forward and started to try and become an environmentally friendly company at the same time. 1. Why did Nike fail to address corporate social responsibility early on? Nike subcontracted many of its manufacturing jobs to local overseas companies. These companies did not have any means of discloser over its workers environment or age. Nike also had a â€Å"don’t ask don’t tell† mentality. As long as the profits were rolling in and the subcontracted manufacturers were keeping the margin down that is all they really looked at. The company decided to initially take a defensive â€Å"it’s not our fault† stance. As public outcry increased the were pressured into a â€Å"We’ll do only what we have to† stance and eventually decided to blame it on the industry as a whole. The proper thing to do in my opinion would have been to address the issue with the same aggression as the public was demonstrating. Let the public know that they initially had no control over the manufacturers in the other countries and begin to assure the public that the values of those companies are not the values that Nike believes in. From there they could further move to address stopping the labor issues and forming a system to make sure it never happens again. This is partly what Nike ended up doing in the long run anyway, it just took longer. 2. Evaluate Nike’s response to societal and consumer concerns about its contract manufacturing. I believe that Nike really believed that they had no blame in labor the conditions in the outside manufacturers. The way that Nike looked at it they were paying the manufacturers to do a job by whatever means they had at their disposal and how ever it was done had nothing at all to do with their company because it was out of their control. Whether this was the case or not Nike should have anticipated the backlash and public outcry that would follow. 3. What are the challenges facing Nike in the future. Nike has now positioned itself as a force for good in the fight for worker rights and equality. They have also positioned themselves as a positive force in the green movement. Nike’s biggest challenge comes from the changing world market and temptations to slip back into its old mentality. With a rise in wages in all countries around the world and shrinking bottom lines everywhere Nike must also be certain to keep an eye on their subcontractors in this changing environment so another incident like the Honduras layoff scandal does not happen again. Personal Opinion: I think Doug Guthrie said it best in his article in Forbes magazine on the subject Building Sustainable and Ethical Supply Chains: : â€Å"The lessons learned from the Nike experience have a particular appeal in 2012. After all, the world has shrunk considerably in the last decade, and the workplace abuses on the far side of the globe can come back home with a swift and uncompromising speed. Additionally CSR and corporate citizenship has taken hold, not only in the imaginations of academics but also in the real world inhabited by consumers. † Doug know, as I do, that with the opening of the global market comes higher wages in third world companies and thus a more competitive attitude at home. I believe that Nike is on the right path and that not only are they doing a good job at watching their labor force, but their social responsibility push is a pioneering move on their part. No other shoe manufacturer of their size is addressing the issues of waste and pollution in the same ways as Nike. References Guthrie, Doug. Building Sustainable and Ethical Supply Chains. Forbes. com. N. p. , 09 Mar. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. lt;http://www. forbes. com/sites/dougguthrie/2012/03/09/building-sustainable-and-ethical-supply-chains/gt;. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell. Business Ethics Ninth Edition. Mason, OH: Centrage Learning, 2013. Print.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Commercial fishing

Commercial fishing Commercial fishing is a worldwide enterprise that involves the capture of marine and freshwater fish and shellfish and their preparation for market. Fishing equipment ranges from small boats whose nets are cast and hauled in by hand to factory ships equipped with the most advanced technologies for finding, harvesting, and preparing huge amounts of fish. These large catches are very costly, however, not only in the price of their equipment and fuel, but also in the depletion of fishery resources their use brings about.The major portion of the total fish harvest consists of few fish species, which are divided into two primary groups. Pelagic species - those which live in the near-surface layers of the oceans, this include several species of herring, tuna, salmon, anchovies, pilchard, sardines, menhaden, and mackerel. Demersal species - fish that live in the near-bottom layers of the ocean, this includes cod, sole, halibut, haddock, hake, and flounder.Bering Sea and the North Pacific Oc eanLarge catches are also made of a group of fish classed commercially as SHELLFISH - shrimp, lobster, scallops, oysters, clams, crabs, mussels, and squid. WHALING was once a major part of the fishing industry. Overfishing has endangered many whale numbers, however, and the field has lessened in importance.Almost all large pelagic and demersal fish catches are made over or near the continental shelf, the underwater plateau around the continents and large islands. In these waters temperatures, water depths, and the currents that influence the amounts of available food create an environment that is highly favourable to the existence of large schools of fish.The animals living in and on the bottom of the continental shelf serve as additional food sources for demersal fish. Also, most species spawn on continental shelves, and the main nursery grounds of many species are also in coastal regions. The main fishing...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Belief Andrew Jackson in Democracy

Belief Andrew Jackson in Democracy Andrew Jackson’s belief in Democracy was that all branches and agencies of the government must listen to and follow the wishes of the people. He wanted to change the way the country had been run before he took charge. He didn’t think that the people were really getting there fair say on things. Andrew Jackson was very Democratic because he wanted the people to have more say and power in the government, he wanted to extend our boundaries so that people could move more out west, and he wanted the national bank to be run differently than it was. Andrew Jackson thought that our country wasn’t Democratic enough so when he campaigned he told the people that he will listen to them and do there will. He believed that the people in office before him did a terrible job of this. In the year 1816, the people chose presidential electors by a legislature, and by the year 1832, most of the presidential electors were chosen by the people except in one state only which was South Carolina. Then again in 1836, the presidential electors were chosen by the people in all but one state which was once again South Carolina. Then on December 8, 1829, in a letter to Congress Jackson said, â€Å"In a country where offices are created solely for the benefit of the people, no one man has any more right to (government jobs) than another†. This shows that he believes that any citizen of the country has a right to be in the government. The second reason that Andrew Jackson was Democratic was that he wanted to extend our country for the people. He wanted the Indians to move out west to what is now Oklahoma so more Americans could move off of the east coast and develop our country more. A lot of people today say that this was a terrible dictator thing to do, but really it wasn’t he told them that they could stay in the condition that they obeyed our laws. He also paid the Indians who decided to go to Oklahoma. Though Jackson was democratic by expanding voting rights, he made many controversial decisions that reflected self-interest and not the common man. Many of Jackson’s critics believed that he ignored the separation of powers and abused his powers as president (Doc 3). In response to Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message, Daniel Webster explained that â€Å"(President Jackson’s message) extends the grasp of (the chief executive) over every power of the government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Doc 5). Jackson crushed the majority vote of Congress by the use of the presidential veto. He selfishly broadened his power as president and disregarded the majority’s desires. Because Jackson caused the fall of the National Bank, the United States struggled to manage money and loans and this consequently led to the Panic of 1837. In Andrew Jackson’s letter to Congress, he asks for their consideration of, â€Å"(a) law whic h limits appointments to four years,†. Jackson wanted to rotate government officials so that he could implement spoils system. This is why I think Andrew Jackson was democratic.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Diabetes and the african-american population Essay

Diabetes and the african-american population - Essay Example Moreover, diabetes is also associated with the development of nephropathy with potential renal failure, autonomic dysfunction, and foot ulcers. Thirst, polyuria, blurring of vision, and weight loss are the characteristic clinical presentation of diabetes. Diabetes can lead to ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Individuals with diabetes are often asymptomatic and some patients experience mild symptoms. For many centuries, there has been an awareness of different types of diabetes with varying severity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the possibility that there are two distinct types of diabetes emerged. The two types of diabetes are Type 1 diabetes (beta-cell destruction), which is an idiopathic and autoimmune disease, and Type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by insulin resistance and insulin hyposecretion (Holt, 2010). Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of beta-cell destruction and mild insulin resistance. Insulin is required for survival after the patient survives the initial stages of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is the dominant form of the disease around the world (T. Metcalf & G. Metcalf, 2008). Diabetes is particularly quite prevalent in the United States of America. According to the 2000 US Census, there are 37.4 million African American individuals in America which constitute approximately 12.3% of the total population. In African American children, the rates of Type 1 diabetes are lower compared to American children. The African American population has an incidence rate of 5 to 8 per 100,000 per annum. On the other hand, the incidence rate of diabetes in white population is 14 to 17 per 100,000 per year. (Joslin & Kahn, 2006).The different proportions of racial admixture, particularly with the white populations, might be the reason for the distinct incidence rates among the black population. A significant role is played by genetic

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sai.m Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Sai.m - Essay Example h crises; moreover, the fact that the effects of recession on markets that are based on Islamic banking has been limited proves the effectiveness of Islamic banking scheme towards its western rival. Current study focuses on the examination of the solutions that Islamic banking can offer regarding the limitation of losses caused because of the credit crunch. In order to understand the potential solutions of Islamic banking against the credit crunch it would be necessary to refer primarily to the characteristics and the framework of Islamic banking as an alternative scheme of banking compared to the traditional (western) banking system. In accordance with Iqbal et al. (1987, p.29) ‘the central requirement of an Islamic financial system is the replacement of the rate of interest with the rate of return on real activities as a mechanism for allocating financial resources’. On the other hand, Saeed (1996) notes that ‘the investment activities of the Islamic bank would be based on the two legal concepts of Mudaraba and Musharaka, alternatively known as profit and loss sharing (PLS)’ (Saeed, 1996, p.51); in other words, the existing principles and mechanisms of Islamic banking can be used in order to control the pressure of the global market – which is based on the western banking system; in this case, an appr opriate customization of the rules of Islamic banking system would be required in order to suit to the needs and the potentials of customers worldwide (Scharf, 1983, p.18).On the other hand, Islamic banking system has an important weakness: the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework; this means that in case of failure the allocation of risk among the persons that participated in a specific investment initiative may not easy; furthermore, the recovery of damages would also face difficulties (Ledgerwood, 1999, p.56). The above problem is examined in the study of Venardos (2005); in the specific study it is noted that ‘an appropriate regulatory

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of having trouble sleeping, feeling â€Å"jumpy all of the time,† and experiencing an inability to concentrate. These symptoms cause problems for her at work, where she is an accountant. As a psychiatrist I would need to diagnose Marla with the proper disorder, explain information about the diagnosis, and discuss possible treatments with her. It would be near impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without more information. First, I will clinically assess Marla by asking her a few questions without her realizing right away that I am trying to diagnose her from the second she enters my office. I will ease into the conversation to gain more insight before she notices what I am doing. I would like to provide a brief interview of how I would expect it to go, given the disorder that I have diagnosed. Hello, Marla. I am Joy Wardrip. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Will you tell me a little bit about yourself? Marla would likely introduce herself, tell me that she is an accountant. She would go on to tell me how she has been feeling anxious for a bit and how it really distracts her from her work. She would tell me how she has trouble concentrating and that too is affecting her work. She would likely be a bit emotional, perhaps teary-eyed as she expresses her frustration with the occurrence of these recent symptoms and how she would like to symptoms to be explained and to go away. She may even express how she wants to feel â€Å"normal† again. I understand your frustration and it is ok to feel frustrated. How long ago did you notice a change in your behavior? Marla would let me know that she had been feeling this way for the past six to eight months. She would also tell me that she can’t remember anything that has happened in her life to explain the anxieties that she was feeling. She would tell me how she would like for things to go back to the way that they used to be. How is your relationship with your parents? Marla would describe a great upbringing. She would explain how she is very close to both of her parents. She would go on to describe her childhood, which was abuse and torment free. She would speak of many good memories with her parents and how she is an only child. She would go on to tell me that she was quite spoiled and had no bad memories of being a young girl. Is there any mental illness that runs in your family? Also, have you ever been diagnosed with any disorders or are you on any type of medication? Marla would tell me that no psychological disorders were apparent in her family and that she is not currently taking any medication. She would tell me that she had only just recently went to her family doctor to discuss her symptoms and that the doctor recommended that she speak with someone to find the root of her troubles and to explore the possibility of her having a disorder. She would tell me that is why she came to see me. What was life like before you felt the symptoms that you have described to me? Marla would respond with how she was always very happy, always smiling. She would tell me how she lived a worry-free life and was very social. She would discuss how she had many friends and how she enjoyed her work. She would describe herself prior to the symptoms as someone who was very optimistic and upbeat. She would then go on to say that she only just realized that it had been quite a while since she had gone out and dined with any of her friends. Have you suffered any type of trauma? This can include anything from your past that caused you great pain or suffering mentally or physically. This could be an accident, death of someone close to you or abuse. Marla would bring up her childhood again and remind me that it was abuse free. She would also let me know that she had never been in a car accident, aside from a fender bender which really caused no damage to herself or her vehicle for that matter. She would tell me that she had been a victim of an earthquake years ago but that it didn’t seem to affect her anymore. She said that she was a bit shaken after the earthquake but that she had moved passed it almost effortlessly and that she hadn’t even really thought about the incident in some time. I would like to go back to something that you mentioned earlier. You said that you hadn’t gone out in a while, are their certain situations that you try and avoid because of your anxiety? Marla would explain that she didn’t like going to work. That she was missing several days because she felt uncomfortable in her office. She would explain that the more that she called in the less motivated she got to go and that it was really causing a problem for her at the workplace. She would tell me that she was afraid if something didn’t give, she would be fired. She would tell me how she wanted to leave while working because she felt claustrophobic, as though she needed to get some air or go clear her head. You mentioned that you have been having trouble sleeping here lately. Can you tell me a little more about that? Do you know of anything that may have lead to the trouble sleeping? Marla would tell me that she had been having trouble sleeping throughout the night. She would let me know that she didn’t struggle to get to sleep; she just had trouble staying asleep. She would let me know that it was really irritating her and that it was affecting her at work. She would tell me that she wasn’t arriving late to work but that she didn’t feel that she had gotten enough rest when she got to work and that she felt very tired during the work day. Do you often have dreams that recur often or do you have nightmares often? Also, how often do you wake and remember your dreams and what do you remember about them? Marla would likely tell me that she didn’t dream often, nor did she have nightmares. She might say that perhaps she doesn’t remember the dreams once she has awakened. However, Marla would share with me that she often felt very shaken and jumpy after having waken up. Had this taken place, I may suggest that she keep a journal by her bed so that she can record anything that she remembers about her dreams and how she is feeling upon waking up. Have you ever experienced flashbacks? This is when something seems very real and the images are very clear. Perhaps you have experienced feelings similar to the feeling that you felt during the earthquake that we discussed earlier? Marla would tell me that she really struggled with flashbacks following the earthquake, but that she hadn’t had any experiences with them from some time. She would tell me that it had been a few years since she had experienced them. Following the interview, I would likely diagnose Marla with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I would explain to her that it is a incapacitating anxiety disorder that is experienced by people who suffer traumatic events. I will explain that these events can be related to warfare, rape, abuse, car accidents, or in her case, an earthquake. I would explain that the traumatic event can produce many characteristic symptoms which she has described to me, such as flashbacks, inability to concentrate, insomnia, and changes in emotions. Finally, I would explain the origin of the disorder by using the cognitive model of psychology. According to this model, one must understand human thought to understand its behavior. When people show abnormal behaviors many theorists look at cognitive problems. These problems can include illogical thinking processes and maladaptive assumptions. I would then try and help her to realize what she is doing and how she is responding to the trauma of the earthquake so that she can later focus on changing her faulty ideas and thinking processes for a form of treatment. This treatment would be achieved through a series of therapies in which I teach her to calm herself and control her emotions and behaviors (Comer, 2005).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Influences on Huck in Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn Essay

Influences on Huck in Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn Throughout the incident on pages 66-69 in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck fights with two distinct voices. One is siding with society, saying Huck should turn Jim in, and the other is seeing the wrong in turning his friend in, not viewing Jim as a slave. Twain wants the reader to see the moral dilemmas Huck is going through, and what slavery ideology can do to an innocent like Huck. Huck does not consciously think about Jim's impending freedom until Jim himself starts to get excited about the idea. The reader sees Huck's first objection to Jim gaining his freedom on page 66, when Huck says, "Well, I can tell you it made me all over trembly and feverish, too, to hear him, because I begun to get it through my head that he was most free-and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I could get that out of my conscience, no how nor no way." Huck is hearing the voice of society at this point, not his own. He does not see a moral dilemma with Jim being free; he is opposed to the fact that he is the one helping him. This shows Huck misunderstanding of slavery. Huck does not treat Jim like a slave when they travel together, this shows the reader that Huck views Jim as an equal in most ways. Huck sees having a slave only as owning the person, not actually being a slave to someone. Therefore, when he helps Jim runaway it would be like stealing. This conscience is telling him that Miss Watson, Jim?s master, never di...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Survival of Pi

In the novel Life of Pi, Pi goes through an unexpected journey for 227 days that adjusts his morals and needs to survive. Pi depends on his survival by over looking his morals, having faith, and creating his own version of the situation rather than facing reality. The human mind will go to great lengths to escape itself out of traumatic real life situations. Survival is the state of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. Pi is faced with a serious situation involving death of loved ones, and the need to survive.The actions humans do to survive seem extraordinary and unimaginable. Pi’s needs to survive alter his life style. To begin with, Pi grew up a vegetarian as well as his brother Ravi, and his mother. The whole journey, Pi was surrounded by food and water but unfortunately the water was salt water so it was undrinkable and Pi could not apprehend any fish nor wanted to eat any. Pi had to depend on fish and turtles to give him some nutrients for survival. Pi believed eating meat was morally wrong. In Pi’s second story, he was surviving on the boat with a young sailor, a cook, and his mother.The cook could no longer sustain his humanity and he turns to cannibalism because he considers it the last option. The whole journey, before Pi was stranded on the lifeboat he was given food, water, love, and all the essentials to survive. On the lifeboat Pi fended for himself and had to change his morals and lifestyle to survive. Once Pi survived his journey and was interviewed by Mr. Chiba and Mr. Okamoto, Pi informs them, with: â€Å"I know my survival is hard to believe. When I think back, I can hardly believe it myself. † (223) Pi was against all odds of his journey to live, and survived.Faith is an important factor of Pi’s survival. Furthermore, faith is a significant factor in Pi’s survival. Pi should have passed away several times but faith kept him remaining on his jour ney. Pi is unsure of what religion he believes in. He is Hinduism, Islam, and Christian. Pi believes all religions lead to the same God. Without faith, Pi would have given up multiple times but Pi knows his life has a meaning. Pi understands out loud, â€Å"Only fear can defeat life. † (161) This quote explains how Pi believes faith can keep you surviving as long as you have faith in yourself.After the ship sank, and Pi remarkably survived he verbally realized, â€Å"Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed. † (108) The trauma Pi is going through is fierce and too much to tolerate. Pi lost all of his family, left his home and friends, and is now gone astray out at sea. He has lost everything and anything close to him. By believing in the three different religions, Pi shows that he is strong with a high spirit, which helps him survive out at sea. Pi had knowledge from three different religious groups, so he always had help and a solution to all of his probl ems.Faith is powerful. Faith gave Pi a reason to keep going and not to give up. Lastly, Pi created a ‘second story’ so he didn’t have to face the reality. People can often prepare a story to convince people and themselves that it actually happened, so they can escape reality and believe in this fantasy. Pi created Richard Parker so he didn’t feel alone; Richard Parker was a figment of Pi’s imagination. Richard Parker is the will inside Pi for survival. Richard Parker was Pi’s fighting source. Richard Parker killed the hyena after the hyena killed the zebra and orangutan in the second story.Richard Parker only comes out of hiding when Pi becomes angry after seeing his Mother (orangutan) and young sailor (zebra) be killed by the Chef (hyena), I think when Richard Parker comes out of hiding that demonstrates Pi’s fighting source coming out of his personality. Throughout the book, aspects of Richard Parker come out in Pi. For example, Pi s tarts eating meat even though it is against his morals and beliefs, his personality becomes strong like a tiger because he becomes in charge and doesn’t let Richard Parker take control.Pi created the second story and Richard Parker so he could escape reality. Pi would not have been able to survive without Richard Parker. Richard Parker killed the chef for Pi. Without each other, Pi and Richard Parker would have died. In retrospect, Pi survived under adverse and unusual circumstances. Pi would have not survived without overlooking his morals, having faith, and creating his own version of the daunting situation. The actions humans do to survive seem extraordinary and unimaginable. Pi’s needs to survive alter his life style.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Admission to MBA Course

My principal objective and life’s ambition had always been to work in an atmosphere that not only demanded the utmost of my potentiality but also challenged my abilities.   It is commonplace for soldiers to be accoutered with fully loaded weapons and the requisite mental preparedness to emerge victorious in battle.In a similar manner, I have always possessed enormous experience, organizational abilities and psychological preparedness in meeting the demands of the contemporary work environment.I have experience of working in physical care and wellness and I completed an undergraduate course in Kinesiology and Nutrition. Prior to the year 2000 I worked for the United States Army as a Production Controller. My tenure with the US Army helped me to achieve organizing capabilities and expertise in management and supervision.During the years from 2000 to 2003, I was associated with the Women’s Hospital of Texas as an administrative assistant, where I gained expertise in the allotment of duties to office personnel, preparation of medical charts, physician’s reports and the radiology department’s clinical reports.These reports had to be prepared and submitted to the physicians of the hospital on a daily basis. I also assisted the radiologists, physicians, patients and their families and extended my moral support to patients and their near relatives, in order to alleviate their suffering. In this task, I invariably offered my best efforts and always lent a helping hand in a friendly manner.I developed a number of supervisory skills, like keeping track of office supplies and ensuring that stocks were always available. I maintained the secrecy of patients’ records filed with the hospital.My extensive experience helped me to assume positions involving multifaceted responsibilities. Consequently, I gained considerable organizing skill and the competence to be a part of large-scale facility projects.Thereafter there was no turning back. I became very proficient in budgeting, scheduling of events and the promotion of customer relations. All these activities enabled me to become very good at building teams and to assume the position of a role model for others. Subsequently, I acquired program management skills and was extremely successful in providing service in the corporate environment.In addition, I possessed adequate knowledge to recruit, train and encourage professional staff development. I also worked in group facilitation, and in this particular field I emerged as an undisputed leader. My communication skills were proved on many an occasion to be outstanding.I am extremely proficient with the Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher and software applications like FitLinxx, MediTech and Eclipse. Whilst working as a Product Sales Developer in TechnoGym USA, Seattle, WA and I developed programming around Easy Line circuit equipment and provided essential product information to the s ales personnel.This entailed the design of presentations, making conference calls and preparing product literature to improve sales and the preparation, execution and revision of project plans.I have faced a number of challenges in life. One of them relates to my tenure in the military. I joined up at the age of nineteen and to put it frankly I was all at sea. We had to undergo physical exercises six days a week for an hour at a stretch. It was not much different from physical torture.Then we were made to march for twelve miles with a rifle and a forty pound knapsack. Afterwards we had to stand at attention, without making even the slightest of movement. In addition, we had to memorize and answer a number of questions while waiting in line for food.Emotionally our psyche took a tremendous beating, as we were not allowed to see our family members or friends till a month had elapsed, which forced us to develop new friends.This experience proved to be a baptism by fire and I emerged mu ch stronger and better equipped to face the worst in life. I developed self reliance, team spirit and since the targets were never ending it became second nature to strive for attaining goals. This served to enhance my ambition and fighting spirit enormously.I have received several citations and certificates for the exemplary work performed by me. I am a trained instructor in Yoga, Spin, Pilates and CPR. My life’s ambition is to start a Health and Fitness enterprise. To this end I would like to commence studios that take care of fitness and provide personalized training.My observation has been that a significant number of institutions that offer fitness services do not cater to individual needs. My enterprise will take a very close look at the nutritional value of the food being consumed by my clientele. There will be stores for such purchases and these stores will offer customized shopping services.I will implement meal plans that will take into account the specific requirem ents of my customers. My principal objectives are to develop skills related to the management of projects, develop self – sufficiency and conduct a successful business. Moreover, I intend to travel extensively for both business and pleasure, because travel expands the mind.These are my aspirations and a few of my extensive accomplishments. The next logical step is to obtain suitable formal education in management.   This will not only improve my career prospects but also help me to perform at my optimum level. Thus, I made a survey of the different colleges offering the MBA program and concluded that the Marylhurst University’s MBA program was best suited to my unique needs.This program produces professionals with strong interpersonal, analytical and communication skills with a holistic view of the business process from the shop floor to the retail outlet. The faculty members are working professionals, who keenly and unstintingly, impart their professional experience to the students, which renders this course very valuable. Moreover, the curriculum is flexible and pragmatic in its approach and content and emphasizes the application of the principles taught in class to the real world.The cardinal objectives of this program are to enable the student to possess the latest knowledge in such diverse fields as accounting, finance, law, etc; to become extremely proficient in analyzing national and international business environments; to comprehend the latest business concepts and emerging trends in management and information technology and discover one’s professional competencies in order to enhance one’s career prospects.Obviously, such a combination of goals and competencies is unique in the MBA programs available in this country and management graduates from this university perform exceptionally well in the industry. Therefore, it is my intention to register with this great university’s MBA program (Master of Business Administr ation).ReferencesMaster of Business Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2007, from Marylhurst University:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Special Education Supports and Services

Special Education Supports and Services Most parents of special education students remember when their child first came under the radar of her teachers and school administrators. After that initial call home, the jargon began to land fast and furious. IEPs, NPEs, ICT... and that was just the acronyms. Having a child with special needs requires that parents become advocates, and to learn all the options available to your child could (and does) fill a seminar. Perhaps the fundamental unit of special ed options is the support. What Are Special Ed Supports? Supports are any services, strategies or situations that may benefit your child in school. When your childs IEP (Individualized Education Plan) team meets- thats you, your childs teacher, and school personnel that may include the psychologist, counselor, and others- most of the discussion will be about the kinds of supports that can help the student. Kinds of Special Ed Supports Some special education supports are fundamental. Your child may need transportation to and from school. She may be unable to function in a large classroom and need one with fewer pupils. He may benefit from being in a team-taught or ICT class. These kinds of supports will change the situation of your child in school and may require changing his classroom and teacher. Services is another typically prescribed support. Services range from therapeutic consultations with a counselor to sessions with occupational or physical therapists. These kinds of supports rely on providers who may not be part of the school and may be contracted by the school or your towns department of education. For some severely disabled children or those whose disability is the result of an accident or other physical trauma, supports may take the shape of medical interventions. Your child may need help eating lunch or using the bathroom. Often these supports fall beyond the capacity of a public school and an alternative setting is recommended. The following is a list provides you with some samples of special education support modifications, adjustments, strategies, and services that may be provided to meet the needs of various exceptional students. This list is also helpful to assist you to determine which strategies would best suit your child. The list of examples will vary depending upon the actual level of support determined by the placement of the student. Alternate curriculumSpecific reading materialsAnger and/or stress managementSpecial education teacher for resource or withdrawal supportTest and exam supportAttendance monitoringBehavior managementClassroom modifications: alternate seating arrangementsCurriculum modifications and adjustmentsLearning strategiesEducational assistant support (paraprofessional)Peer teachingSelf-contained classTechnology supportFacility modifications or adjustmentsPartial school dayToileting, feedingTimeout and/or physical restraintsVolunteer assistanceSmall group instructionWithdrawal supportCommunity work experienceSocial integrationSupervision for non-instructional timeSmaller class sizeSpecial timetable These are just some of the supports that parents should be aware of. As your childs advocate, ask questions and raise possibilities. Everyone on your childs IEP team wants her to succeed, so dont be afraid to lead the conversation.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Trusts, Gifts and Estates term paper (ANY TOPIC) Essay

Trusts, Gifts and Estates term paper (ANY TOPIC) - Essay Example This results to the preservation of a harmonious familial relationship and the achievement of several financial benefits such as the creation of cash reserves and the after-tax income available. According to Brown and Myers (2008), it is important to underscore that the primary objective of all family estate planning is to provide psychological and financial security by obtaining â€Å"the maximum benefits of principal and income for the family and to pass on the family property intact (i.e. without losses)† (23). The last will and testament is an excellent example of estate planning and administration. There is also the case the revocable living trust. Both of these are popular choices for people seeking to manage and administer their assets and properties. This paper will explore why the revocable living trust can prove to be more beneficial for everyone than the last will and testament. Background The last will and testament or more generally known as the will is a legal do cument that provides the disposition of assets and properties. Simply put, in case of death, the ownership of a property is transferred according to the terms of the will of the deceased, the terms that document his desires particularly in the distribution of his estate and assets (Wardle and Nolan, 1042). Gau (2004) provided another definition, which states that it is â€Å"an expression of a person’s wishes for the disposition of property and the protection of loved ones at the time of the maker’s death† (7). The US legal framework considers the use of will as a developmental offshoot of basic estate planning, that one with the simple goal of planning for death (Wardle and Nolan, 1039-1043). It was further provided that the impetus for the development of wills was the need for federal estate tax planning for death and lifetime transfers (1039-1040). Baker wrote that the key is to keep it up to date because a clearly defined will could be the best piece of lega l work that one could have that can be used to honor one’s wishes and in defining the family’s futures (52). She also stressed that the will is a reliable backup to a trust in the estate planning process, in addition to several conditions, which she has listed such as: The fact that there are properties that are better left in a will; Money such as lottery winning can be distributed after death through a will and as a component of an estate plan; Parents with minor children. The will can name the guardian and the administrator of assets and properties before the children reach legal age; The appointment of an executor; and Disinheriting a person (Baker, 53-54). There are many other instances where the will is indispensable. It is important for people interested to draft their own wills to consult an estate planning professional or an estate planning team. The process may be simple, but there is a requirement to be thorough, clear and detailed so that the documented wou ld not be invalidated, contested and misinterpreted. It is also important to highlight that if assets are to be transferred through a will, the maker is necessarily deceased. The utility of the will as explained in this section does not mean that there are no other alternatives. There are several others that people prefer because it is more beneficial or that it is aligned with their own estate planning objectives. The Revocable Living Trust

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assignment #1 Making a Decision Using the Decision - Making Model Essay

Assignment #1 Making a Decision Using the Decision - Making Model - Essay Example I decided to go back to school to gain skills that would propel me further in my career. I saw graduate school as a beckoning opportunity through which I would be able to specialize in areas of my own choosing that improve my job performance and perhaps, result in promotions at the workplace. I enrolled for twelve units during the summer without considering the toll that these classes would have on my time, work and social life. The number of units I am taking this semester requires me to delegate most of my time to studies. I want to get good grades at the end of the semester, which means that I have to find time within my busy schedule to go through my class work. To do this, I have to utilize every free minute that I have to my books. All the time I get goes to my school work, and I have often found myself depressed and procrastinating whether my decision to take the masters program at this time was the right one. My school work has completely taken over my life. Currently, my life rotates around school and work. I no longer have the time to interact or socialize with my friends. Although I interact with a few of the friends I made in my class, we do not get the time to socialize outside the school compound. When we meet at the university, we interact for a few minutes before heading our separate ways. Being the social person that I am, I am always left feeling lonely. Lack of a primary component in my life makes it rather difficult to make up for my previously vibrant social life. As a result of this, I am often depressed as I do not have any friends to share my problems with. My personality as a lifelong learner is what drove me back to school. I have an insatiable desire to gain knowledge and challenge my academic abilities. Since I was young, I considered by unquenchable thirst for books to be a pursuit towards developing my mind. In